My weight loss

Made my some! Now its just maintaining this goal!!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

How babies grow

I could so cry right now! My son Drake is 7 months old today! He is doing so many things I cant believe it. He can sit up on his own, he can pull himself up to a standing position stand next to the couch! He says momma,dadda and bubba, he talks all the time I love it! He is finally sleeping through the night and im in shock. We are still working with signing and its going well. UMMM what else, he is weighting in at 15.6 lbs as of the begining of last week. Im sure with the way he is eating he is up over 16lbs now! So when is the next babe coming LOL nah im just kidding I dont have baby fever my hubby does lol! Maybe ill have another one for him in a few years who knows!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Sick as hell!

After being gone for a little over a week we are no home in shitty Hell Cali! Dhs grandfather passed away last week after a long illness, he went peacefully with no pain! Now that we are home Drake my cat and myself are sick as hell and it figures *sigh* This is all I got right now im gonna go lay down and see if I can get better!