My weight loss

Made my some! Now its just maintaining this goal!!

Monday, March 24, 2008

The little things we can do!

Cleaning with white vinegar!!

White Vinegar Solution. Mix white vinegar with an equal amount of water. Spray or pat on. Here is another great solution to keep around the house in a spray bottle. This can reverse browning caused by pet mistakes, coffee, coke, tea. Always pretreat these spots with white vinegar before cleaning and allow to stand for 15 to 20 minutes. Don't hesitate to use 2 or 3 times to remove browning. White vinegar, is distilled so there are no minerals present for all practical purposes. It is usually used for cleaning purposes, whether outdoors or in. Because of its neutralizing properties, it's good for such a wide variety of applications as washing windows, sanitizing kitchen counters and shining bathroom fixtures....Vinegar neutralizes soap and detergent and any other alkaline based products, as well as dissolving mineral, calcium and lime deposits. That makes it very effective for cleaning bathroom fixtures and sinks. Because its acid content makes it antibacterial, it works well on toilets and bathroom floors, too. It can also be used to clean and disinfect cutting boards, tables and other surfaces with which food comes in contact. Wash the surface then wipe with straight vinegar and leave it to dry. If you make this a regular part of your cleaning routine, you'll have little to worry about when it comes to bacteria and fungus problems.
Vinegar cuts grease; it eats lime; it destroys odors, leaving no trace of itself behind in about a half hour. it's very environmentally friendly.